DISCLAIMER: The glossary of terms is a list of terms directly or indirectly related to the practice of case management compiled by Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) and based on published literature related to case management. The list is not meant to be exhaustive. It is organized based on major aspects of case management practice. Each term is included in the category deemed most appropriate based on the judgment of CCMC SMEs. Please note that not every term will appear on the examination. CCMC suggests that candidates for the CCM exam be familiar with terms and concepts relevant to case management. This list should be helpful in that regard.
The CCM® exam is practice-based, meaning all questions are based on the knowledge that an experienced case manager should know and understand. As an exam candidate, you are not required to take any course or purchase any study materials. Attending or purchasing any prep courses or study materials from the Commission is not a guarantee of passing the exam. Also, be aware that the Commission does not endorse or approve any materials other than those provided through the Commission, even though they may carry the CCM mark.