Medicare Observation Status and Improvement Standard in Skilled Nursing Facilities: What Advocates and Consumers Need to Know

Course Provider
Learning Objectives
Discuss Medicare Resources: Statute, Regulations, Policy Manual; Medicare coverage of SNF care; Restoration Potential
Recognize Medicare Myths vs. Truths, Obstacles to Medicare coverage in SNF, Observation Status, 3 day Qualifying Hospital Stay
Examine recent court decisions and how they have led to CMS clarification of Skilled Nursing Facility services which are covered by Medicare.
Identify Federal Regulations and what to do when a patient is in the hospital or a Skilled Nursing Facility
Course Offering: Meeting, Seminar, Workshop, or Webinar - Live (delivered in real time)
Domain Focus: Psychosocial Concepts and Support Systems
Start Date:
End Date:
CE Credits: 2.00